Through this interview I learned that leadership in nursing looks different for each situation and team member(s) that you are working with or leading. There are obvious the basic principles of leadership that constantly remain true. My main takeaway is that there really isn’t a one size fits all solution because everybody is motivated slightly differently, needs different types of support, and has a different style of receiving help/advice. I think being an effective leader means that you have the ability to adjust your independent variables accordingly. I would rate their self awareness/management vs social awareness/management as pretty good. This person remains and calm and can connect with everybody in the way that they need to be connected with. It doesn’t surprise me as to how well she does this but it surprises me that one can stay so centered in times of “crisis” when managing people who may not be cut out for the situation. She talked about being able to find what speaks with each person individually and knowing them as a person before knowing them as a nurse. Knowing what their personality is to find ways to get the best out of each member of the team. This interview kind of gave me a behind the scenes look into her brain at work as the charge nurse. I obviously can see how she is outwardly handling things but this allowed me to see what is going on in her head as certain situations or everyday things arise. Hearing how she talks about remaining calm in patient situations but also with other colleagues because that is a skill as well. Knowing that even in the biggest of emergencies you can still take a second to center yourself or check what you need to check, basically haste makes waste obviously this is true in material situations but also in verbal ones. How to make the most out of what you’re saying to people in times that are critical. This interview just solidified what I already knew about this person but it also gave me more detail so that way I can put this to use in my own way. I will apply this knowledge in my everyday life, I think these are skills that can go way beyond the hospital. I also think that I am able to directly apply what she said about remaining calm/grounded because of sports and the stress on certain situations in sports. Since I am used to feeling that level of stress, I almost think that I do better in times of stress because that is what I am used to having to perform in.