Category: Goal Setting (Page 1 of 2)

Preparation for Licensure (ATI Comp Predictor Proctored)

I think that this exam went really well for me. I was very pleased with my score and I did not expect do that well. I really tried to focus on that exam as chunks at a time and not as 180 questions. I looked at it as mini 20 question quizzes. I also put my ear plugs in and really focused didn’t look around the room at all. I also took a break around question 100 for 2 minutes. I think that really helped even though it was small I got up and walked for a second. I believe that it refreshed my brain. I also did not linger on any question too long or change my answers. I think that was key because sometimes if I spend too long on a question my head gets spiraling and I lose what my instinct would have been. I would like to improve my select all that apply question testing skills. Overall I think that this exam went well for me. 

Preparation for Licensure and Transition to Professional Practice

I used my individual performance profiles for each ATI when looking at specific topic areas that I needed to improve on. I also looked for areas that were below the average benchmark for each exam. In those areas I would do extra questions on U-World in those specific areas to hopefully gain more knowledge. Towards the end of the semester, I would reread my remediation sheets as well as doing the practice exams again. Another thing that I believe really helped me is reading all the rationales as I went on the practice exams. 

I used the content gaps identified through my other ATIs to further get experience with those types of questions by using U-World, Saunders NCLEX review book, and my class materials throughout junior and senior year. The differences that I have noticed is an increase in my scores by about 10 points. I think this is due to putting in the extra 1 hour a day in reviewing materials. I am happy to see that it is finally paying off. 

There really weren’t many self-care strategies that I adopted to better prepare myself. The only thing that I have been really trying to do a better job at is getting more sleep. As well as doing my practice questions in the morning when my brain is fresh. I also realized how much I want to pass this test on the first attempt and that I need to put in the extra effort now so that I can be successful and do that. Going forward I will use these skills to continue my use of U-World, Saunders NCLEX book, and my class notes to continue to prepare myself for the NCELX. I plan to do 100 questions a day throughout the month of May. My goal is to take the NCLEX as early in June as possible. I do not want to lose all that I have learned and get out of my routine. 

Preparing for Licensure – ATI Comp B

This exam I was able to focus better and took more deliberate breaks however I didn’t do as well as I wanted to. I need to read the questions and answers more carefully. On some of these I missed out on keywords that I should have picked up on because I knew the answer to the question. And absolutely no more changing my answers it is causing me to get 10+ questions wrong. My goal for the next one is to not change my answer, every time I think about it I will speak in my head don’t do it. Overall this one was a good review of all the stuff we have done in school so far. It is nice to review stuff from adult health 3 that we have not seen in a while. 

Preparing for Licensure – ATI Comp A Practice

This exam went well given the circumstances; I had spaced that it was due this past Sunday, so I made myself do it late Saturday night which was not the most conducive to my learning. I did better than I expected to, but I wanted to do way better than that. I need to read slower and more carefully next time because some of the mistakes I made could have been avoided. I did have a quiet environment, but I was tired. My goal for next time is to take a break about halfway through and do this during the daytime. If I don’t understand the question when I first read it I need to breathe and then reread it calmly instead of freaking out. I liked taking the assessment though because it is making me feel more and more prepared to do this at the end. I am thankful for these ATIs. 

Preparing for Licensure – OB CAT

During this assessment I was able to maintain my focus through 60 questions which is 10 more than our classroom exams. I took a small break at the 60-question mark and then started back in expecting it to last a lot more questions than it did. I think that might have had something to do with me being able stay focused until that point. I need to improve my indecisiveness; I can’t keep changing my answers for no reason it is not good. It definitely impacts my score. I also need to go back to thinking about priority questions like if I can only go in the room and do one thing only. For the next exam I want to apply that strategy and try taking a break every 30-40 questions in case it does lasts longer and that way I can hopefully maintain focus. 

Preparing for Licensure – ATI Proctored Pharmacology

This might have been one of the worst testing environments I have ever been in. I was unable to get into a groove and find my way through each question. The door to the classroom was constantly opening and closing, slamming, people were coughing and sneezing, it was not good. It was also bad because we had just taken an exam earlier in the day for geriatrics. It would have been better for me if this was before my other exam. I felt like for the “bad” side of this I controlled what I could, I slept well the night before, ate and was hydrated before the exam, and taken time to breathe before. What needs improvement is my ability to focus in these situations and also for the testing environment to improve. This was definitely not conducive to encouraging test taking strategies or improving anybody’s confidence in their test taking skills. I hope that the next one goes a lot smoother and that I am able to find my focus and groove. My goal for the next exam is to sit away from the door and shove my ear plugs as far as I can in my ears. 

Preparing for Licensure – ATI Pharmacology Practice B

This ATI went really well, I was able to maintain my focus and focus on what I do know versus what I do not know. I also realized that when I do that I am able to think through the question better than just automatically saying that I don’t know. It is definitely a reverse psychology thing. For next time I hope to be able to actually answer the questions based on knowledge and not just on guessing. I do believe that these ATIs have helped me develop my test taking skills. For the next ATI I am looking to continue with my philosophy of focusing on what I do know versus what I don’t and that way I can make that become second nature. 

Preparation for Licensure – ATI Pharmacology Practice A

On this assessment something that went well was maintaining my focus and finding the appropriate environment to facilitate that. I was also able to think about what I do know and not automatically focus on what I don’t know when I see a question. I looked at all the answers as true or false and what do I know about each choice. Based on those two things I tried to make educated guesses on what the right answer would be. Something that I would like to improve on is my decision-making process when deciding whether or not I should change my answer. I need to stop changing my answers and stick with my gut feeling. This has hindered my exam grades in class as well as on ATI. My goal for the remained of the semester is to build back up my testing confidence so that going into the NCLEX I can feel a sense of calm. 

Preparing for Licensure – ATI Peds CAT

My focus was a lot better this time. I shut myself in my room and played classical music through my airpods to drown out the surround noises. I noticed once I got about 20 questions in that I had not been thinking about anything else while answering the questions. I think my mind is my own worst enemy especially when it comes to staying focused and not overthinking. This will definitely be by biggest challenge going into the NCLEX. For next time I would still like to spend more time on each question. I am really finding it hard to balance between taking enough time but not overthinking. I think I would benefit from setting a timer for each question although that would bring other distractions, I think I really need to realize how much time I really do have. My next strategy would be to just do some practice questions and set a timer so I get a feel for how long 60 seconds really is when answering a question. 

Preparing for Licensure – ATI Pharmcology CAT Reflection

This ATI CAT did not go well for me, I was trying to take this exam on the bus to a hockey game because that is all that my time allotted for me to get this completed on time. I will consider asking for an extension for the next one if I feel as though there is not a productive environment for me to take this. I need to advocate for myself better and put my academics over athletics but there is only so much time in each day and week for me to get things done. I do think that I was impressed by how much I did remember from pharmacology even though my scores might not reflect that. Another positive thing was that this caused me to look back into my pharmacology notes during the remediation process, which helped me brush off the cobwebs. My goal for the next exam is to be able to maintain my focus and provide myself with an adequate environment to do this. 

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