Category: Integrated Experience

Module 4

This module emphasizes the importance of time management, prioritizing, and organization. As a nurse we will have many responsibilities that all revolve around each other, most of us will have more than one patient so we will have to coordinate all those moving pieces with all of our other patients. Being able to pick out the most important tasks and prioritizing what needs to get done first is critical. As a nursing assistant I review all my patients in the morning at the beginning of my shift. What I am looking for at this time is have any of their orders change, are there any new ones that need to get done today, any updates in status, do they have any procedures today. By getting together all this information it makes it easier to decide who I am going to see first. I feel like this skill will definitely benefit me and my time management as a nurse someday. 

Module 3

This module made me realize that you need to know the information, but you also need to have reasoning and judgment because every situation is different. It does not matter how smart you are if you cannot apply that information to various different situations it is not going to do you any good. It is more about your ability to apply concepts to patients than it is to memorize definitions and do things exactly by the book every time. Each patient is not a cookie cutter situation. I realized it before, but this module solidified it for me. As a nurse it is so important to have creative mind to be able to apply your knowledge. To me that is why nursing is science, but it is also an art. 

Module 2

This module stresses the importance of working together a team to provide the highest quality patient care possible. I have grown up playing sports and have been raised to work with others. This profession really excites me for a lot of reasons but most importantly because I will get to work with many other individuals to care for someone in their moment of need. Working with others helps not only provide quality care but safe care to our patients. It does take a lot of communication to effectively achieve this goal, but it is well worth it in the end. To patients having a team of people involved in their care can be overwhelming but it can also be something that they highly value. The more eyes on the patient leaves less room for misdiagnosis but also leave more room for miscommunication. Ensuring that our interdisciplinary team communicates effectively is extremely important to the success and safety of patient care. 

Module 1

This module taught me a lot about different test taking strategies. I have always known it is not good to cram information in the night before or even the day before the test. In this module it advises students to not study or pick up material related to the NCLEX the day before the exam, and certainly not the morning of. This strategy does make sense for this exam because it is so significant that one cannot possibly learn all the necessary information and skills to become a nurse in one day. Before this I thought that it would be okay to review the day before however, it says to do something relaxing, go to a place you like and find some inner peace before taking the exam. I know that for myself this is a very valuable piece of information because my test taking anxiety tends to take over. 

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