Category: Professionalism

Presenting Change

Working on this project with my peers was a good experience. I was pleasantly surprised in how this project went compared to the project that we had to do for EBP 1. Our audience was the special care nurses at SMHC and some of the MS4 unit nurses. The feedback that we got was it was a good refresher for them. They have been dealing with COVID patients since the beginning, so this was nothing new for them. My feeling on this is that if we had presented this to nurses at a long-term care facility the feedback that we could receive might have been different as they are not dealing with acute COVID patients every day. The nurses thought that the quiz was a good way to assess their knowledge to see what they already know or need to brush up on. 

What I learned from this team project was that I can work with people on a project who might see things differently than I do and actually learn something from them. I also learned more about the topic itself and the facts behind proning. Working on this project helped me gain skills to work with people even when we all don’t have the same schedules. We also meshed well together and created a good system for getting work done. This was partly because Dr. Kramlich was so helpful in providing feedback and ideas when we needed them. I also learned that I do not always have to be the leader.

Often times in all the groups I am a part of I am the leader, this time I took a step back and let someone else take on this role. This was a good learning experience for me because it gave me the freedom to take a more supportive role instead of being the one who spear heads everything. I hope that I can take this experience with me throughout my nursing career as well and realize that I do not always have to be in the lead role. 

Ethical Considerations

My understanding of nurses’ contribution to ethical conduct of research and implementation of research findings has changed significantly over the course of the semester. I have learned that there are multiple ways for nurses to contribute to the overall wellness and research of our communities. I did not realize the impact and chance that nurses could have to contribute to research opportunities. This is a valuable part of the profession as it is a major factor driving the future of nursing care and knowledge forward. It is so important because this heavily plays a role on our patient outcomes and the overall health of nurses. I think that it is important for nurses to understand the history and principles of research ethics because it will give them the knowledge of what it actually is and the impact it can have on our patients. This course has allowed me to see the nursing profession in a different light. It has shown me the importance of providing the highest quality care possible and the importance of never settling. Always continue your education no matter your age because there is always something new to learn that could change the trajectory of somebody’s life. 

Final Reflection

I have learned a lot about the importance of clear communication and expectations, continuing education, and teamwork. I am eager to always be a part of making small contributions to improve the profession for the patients we serve. Reflecting back on the team process, there wasn’t much team in the process. Which I will take 50% of the responsibility for because I did not clearly communicate. I should have been more upfront and honest which is hard for me to do when asking somebody to do something. I feel bad to ask people for help or ask people to pull their weight when they are not. To better myself for the next project I will be honest and set clear expectations for myself and work with my team to set some as well. This way we will all truly be on the same page because they will be written down. Overall, the one thing that was lacking was honest communication. 

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