Art in Nursing

A wooden bench sitting next to a body of water

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The ocean reminds me so much of nursing. Nursing is a profession that is ever evolving and as a nurse we need to adapt to our patients. In my mind nursing is more of an art than a science because it is about shaping your care plan to each individual patient. The ocean does not run the same path every day just as a nurse does not run the same plan of attack each day. For me the ocean provides a sense of calm and peace. For my patients I want to strive to provide them with a calm sense of peace and comfort. 


  1. Bella Crugnale

    Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth! My Art in Nursing reflection was quite like yours. I completely agree that nursing is ever-changing and that it is more of an art than a science. I used the fall leaves to show how nursing changes as a profession and changes a person, but you always come back to yourself and back to the basis of nursing.

  2. kfletcher4

    Elizabeth, your reflection on why the ocean reminds you so much of nursing is really great. Even though our topics were different on what art in nursing is to us, we still came to the same meaning that nursing is constantly evolving. I love how you connected to the ocean being calming and you wanting to provide that for your patients. I said that nursing is like technology because it is constantly evolving, it is creative and nurses have to adapt to the creative advancement of technology so they can give the best care to their patients. I like how both of us related what we thought art in nursing was to how it can positively affect caring for patients.

  3. susangoran

    Unfortunately, I was unable to connect to a picture, but obviously I have seen lots of the ocean. It is a good analogy between nursing and the ocean. While I was in Hawaii, I purchased a piece of glass art of two waves getting ready to crash onto the shoreline. It reminded me of nursing as well as I thought about the individuality of every patient even though there were so many similarities. Nice job.

  4. kvandam

    Elizabeth, I loved how you compared the ocean to nursing in how it is changing and calm. It relates so well to everyday nursing its never the same and can be challenging but is so peaceful. Mine focused more on the child playing with the toy mainly because I want to work with children and how nurses can be seen as almost a super hero to them. Our topics touched on the same ideas of being there for your patients and being like the calm to their storm and the sense of calm and relief we want to give them.

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